Saturday, October 3, 2009

Some of That--Harry's Future

Those who know me know that I'm a big Harry Potter fan. Those who know me a bit more closely know that I also read Harry Potter fanfic. Not as much as one friend of mine, but she's turned me onto the genre and I confess myself hooked. My most recent story arc find features Harry in the years between the final chapter of book seven and it's final conclusion several years later, with Harry's children boarding the train for Hogwarts. Topics explored include what exactly happens at the school after Voldemort's defeat, how Harry becomes an auror, and so much more. While of course it includes the author's own views on the characters, I've become quite attached to the story--to the point of reading its over 500,000 words within less than 48 hours. For comparison purposes, I give you the word count of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (the longest Harry Potter book) of 257,045 words. Not only that, but I'm re-reading the thing, and it's already been updated 3 times since I found it only a couple of weeks ago. Happy!!! Here's the link to the first chapter, if anyone is interested:

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