Friday, October 9, 2009

Some of This--Music

How often do we think about the effect that music has on us? I like to listen to music in a wide variety of settings- while getting ready in the morning, on my way to work, at work (provided I'm in the office with my own playlists, not listening to practically endless repetitions of Sesame Street songs (literally endless, I still hear them in my dreams sometimes)), on my way home from work, while cooking dinner/washing dishes/cleaning the apartment, at parties, occasionally at restaurants (usually only italian ones get away with this), if I have to take the train, definitely at church.

I have one playlist in particular that I started using back in the RE/MAX days, putting it at a minimum of two years old. I don't have many playlists. I usually just toss a bunch of songs onto one list and then do a bulk delete of the ones I decide don't fit. I then fine tune it over the next couple of weeks. Over the process of a few months I'll listen to it every day multiple times a day, sometimes adding a new song, other times deleting one that I'm finally sick of. I recently decided, as I have done once or twice in the past, that I'm ready to retire my current playlist. With this in mind, I tossed about 48 songs, some new some not, on to an entirely new list and set it going today. As I wasn't really in the office until I had already been at work for over 9 hours, I was fairly worn out and just couldn't get into about half the songs on my list. I did, however, listen to "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus a handful of times.

This song is striking a chord lately. I've liked it ever since it came out, but it seems to be making itself the theme song for my spot in life right now. So I ask: what's your theme song? It can be something inspiring, something steady, or something completely off the wall (I think I once had "If I had a million dollars" for one of mine :) ). Post if you'd like, but this is an invitation to consider the music you've been listening to, be it on mp3 or in your subconscious, and think about how it's impacting your attitude. I think it's kindof cool what you learn about yourself in the process :)

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