Sunday, November 29, 2009

Some Of the Other--Wall Calendars

I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday. I braved the Black Friday evening shopping crowds in search of good books. Oddly enough, I didn't purchase a single one. I did, however, look at a few different styles of yearly wall calendars. I've never really been much of a one for wall calendars, but I seem to keep finding myself looking at my apartment walls, hoping to find that I put one up and forgot about it knowing I'd need it later. No such luck ;)

The first calendar I looked at was a New Moon one. I had seen the movie with my cousin on Wednesday, and was curious what pics they would use. Edward was the featured pic for my birth month, but I figured I'd pass considering I actually wouldn't care to look at most of the characters the rest of the year (though January wasn't too bad, thank you Jacob). I later picked up one featuring different castles. The one on the cover (the same one for my birth month, oddly enough) was a beautiful, enchantingly mist-covered palace that touched the fantasy loving, hopeless romantic in me. I was sorely tempted, but set that one down to check out the waterfall calendar next to it.

After looking through a few more (including ones on historic Salt Lake City, France, and custom motorcycles), I finally left without purchasing anything, thinking wistfully of the day I would finally wise up and get one to put on the wall, so that I could forget all about it until later.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Some of That--The Librarian

So a few years ago TNT came out with a movie about The Librarian, who is in charge of guarding not only the largest collection of books ever (of course), but also many mystical, mythical, memorable artifacts, including but not limited to the Ark (both Noah's and that of the Covenant), Excalibur, Pandora's box, and many many more. Starring the charming Noah Wyle, aka Dr. Carter from ER, the movies are hilarious, cheesy in the extreme, and highly entertaining. The first one follows him as he is hired as The Librarian and travels to the amazon in search of the Spear of Destiny. The second movie finds him following in his father's footsteps to the mines of Solomon, and the third, of which I've only seen part, is the search for the Judas Chalice. The second one costars the actress that plays Fiona on Burn Notice, and the third costars the actress that plays Kate Beckett on Castle. Yay!

TNT had a marathon showing all three movies on Sunday. I had the first two playing in the background as I played around online and read my fav HP fanfic, but knew that I wouldn't be home for all of the third and so recorded it--thank goodness for ye olde VCR :) My good friend Lisa Murri gave me copies of the first two on dvd, and now I have the third. They may not be too solid on facts, but they are definitely a good way to have a good time :)