Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Some of....Something or Other

So it's been a while since this movie came out in theatres, but it came out just a couple of weeks ago on DVD, and of course I bought it the first day.  I believe that there was a gross miscarriage of justice, as this incredible movie was incredibly underadvertised!  It is actually one of my top favorite superhero movies, along with Thor (directed by Kenneth Branagh, the most amazing Hamlet ever!), Superman Returns (with 2 of my favorite superhero scenes ever), and the first Iron Man movie.  This three-title list, by the way, took some time to determine, there are so many great superhero movies out right now!  I could keep going, Batman Begins, Dark Knight, X-Men Wolverine.....ok, you get the point.

I love though the detail you get of Professor X, Magneto, and Mystique's lives, how they came to be who they are in the later movies.  Mystique's character makes far more sense now, as does Beast for that matter.  The movie does a great job at both character development as well as action.  I admit, though, it was definitely a switch to see Kevin Bacon as a bad guy, but he certainly does a great job!  The right amount of normalcy, given the fact he's a mutant bad guy, combined with the right amount of out-right creepy, given that he's, well, a Nazi war criminal.

I'm very excited that while they may be making a lot of X-Men films, they are definitely not lacking in quality.  Keep it up, guys!  It's much appreciated!

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